About Me

Fond of Yoga, meditation and dance. Working for a NGO and in my spare time teach yoga ,meditation and dance. love to spend my time with children to groom them. In my holidays prefer to spend time with the needy children to uplift their daily life. Encourage them to study, prepare them to go to school,guide their parents. Encourag people to stop child labour.

Friday, November 2, 2012

I write in my blog what I had seen and experienced. In this era each individual is having lots of ego and run the show on their own way. No one is ready to listen to one another. Few people are having habit of discussing all the matters to either with their partner or close friend who one can relive. But he/she will finalize what is in their mind. Even  in the government  Politicians do the same thing.  Central Government / State Government fight for their seat and every day bulling one another. The common people of India is suffering a lot due to political issues. Black money issue, bribe,  is one of most  disturbed matter in India. Any government office if you go, unwillingly one has to pay the bribe otherwise your file will be under grounded. Cost of living is very high and tough for the common people to survive even in the small towns. Cosmopolitan cities are much better than the urban cities. Urban cities are selling  the things for very high prices. They say that the transportation costs more for getting the things from the whole sale markets. Either cooking gas, grosary, vegetables, entertainment equipments etc. How the common man can survive. All the common people are borrowed loan from the Bank or some Societies or Land lords.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Women...House maker/breaker ???
 Indian  women are very powerful. They are the house makers and they are house breakers in many ways. Specially the minority and weaker section women  work very hard in the estates, houses as a domestic workers and earn very good salary.  End of the day they either the salary will be snatched by the husband or grown up son for their entertainment. In India many men and women indulged with sexual entertainment. What ever the men earn they take it and go to the other women and give money for the sexual entertainment.  Women also do the same thing...as soon as the husband go from home, wife invite her friend for the sexual entertainment. End of the day, the result the family, suffer a lot. Children are sent out of the house during their entertainment period, and children observe the same thing and follow the same path. 
whole family will get into the habit of this business and family will be spoiled.  End of the day what happens. Either their will be fight between husband and wife and children. Family will be disturbed and the hard earned money is spent for unwanted things. So women has to take care of her family that they go in the right path in their life. Women should show her empowerment to grow/build her home. Home is made out of Women. So women should sacrifice many things for their family. Then only the house will become Home Sweet Home.